======================= LocalModuleManager ======================= .. code-block:: python class paddlehub.module.manager.LocalModuleManager(home: str = MODULE_HOME): ----------------- LocalModuleManager is used to manage PaddleHub's local Module, which supports the installation, uninstallation, and search of HubModule. LocalModuleManager is a singleton object related to the path, in other words, when the LocalModuleManager object of the same home directory is generated multiple times, the same object is returned. ----------------- * Args: * home(str) The directory where PaddleHub modules are stored, the default is ~/.paddlehub/modules **member functions** ===================== install ------------------ .. code-block:: python def install( name: str = None, directory: str = None, archive: str = None, url: str = None, version: str = None, ignore_env_mismatch: bool = False) -> HubModule: Install a HubModule from name or directory or archive file or url. When installing with the name parameter, if a module that meets the conditions (both name and version) already installed, the installation step will be skipped. When installing with other parameter, The locally installed modules will be uninstalled. * Args: * name(str | optional) module name to install * directory(str | optional) directory containing module code * archive(str | optional) archive file containing module code * url(str|optional) url points to a archive file containing module code * version(str | optional) module version, use with name parameter * ignore_env_mismatch(str | optional) Whether to ignore the environment mismatch when installing the Module. uninstall ------------------ .. code-block:: python def uninstall(name: str) -> bool: Uninstall a HubModule from name. * Args: * name(str) module name to uninstall * Return: True if uninstall successfully else False list ------------------ .. code-block:: python def list() -> List[HubModule]: List all installed HubModule. * Return: List of installed HubModule. search ------------------ .. code-block:: python def search(name: str) -> HubModule: search a HubModule with specified name. * Args: * name(str) module name to search. * Return: None if not HubModule with specified name found else the specified HubModule.