============== ChnSentiCorp ============== .. code-block:: python class paddlehub.datasets.ChnSentiCorp(tokenizer: Union[BertTokenizer, CustomTokenizer], max_seq_len: int = 128, mode: str = 'train'): ----------------- ChnSentiCorp is a dataset for chinese sentiment classification, which was published by Tan Songbo at ICT of Chinese Academy of Sciences. ----------------- * Args: * tokenizer(:obj:`BertTokenizer` or `CustomTokenizer`) It tokenizes the text and encodes the data as model needed. * max_seq_len(:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to :128) The maximum length (in number of tokens) for the inputs to the selected module, such as ernie, bert and so on. * mode(:obj:`str`, `optional`, defaults to `train`): It identifies the dataset mode (train, test or dev).